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Keep Your Pet Hydrated this Summer

As the summer season approaches, it is crucial for pet owners to take proactive measures to ensure their beloved furry companions stay hydrated. With the rise in temperatures, the risk of heat exhaustion and dehydration becomes a serious concern, posing potential health issues and even life-threatening situations. At Brandon Lakes Animal Hospital, we emphasize the significance of preventing dehydration in pets and enjoying a delightful and safe summer together.

The Significance of Proper Hydration
Water plays a vital role in not only providing hydration but also in regulating body temperature and maintaining organ health in pets. Dehydration can lead to various distressing symptoms, including lethargy, dry gums, sunken eyes, and excessive panting.

Avoiding Dehydration
Thankfully, preventing dehydration in pets can be straightforward with a few essential steps. Keeping a close eye on their water intake is crucial, and it’s essential to ensure they have access to fresh water both indoors and outdoors. As our furry friends tend to be more active during the summer, they may lose fluids through panting and sweating, making it even more critical to provide them with ample water.

Addressing Picky Drinkers
Some pets can be selective about the quality of water they consume. To encourage proper hydration, we recommend offering clean and fresh water. You can make the water more enticing by adding fruit slices, ice cubes, or even broth. For those with finicky preferences, a pet water fountain could be an excellent solution, as many pets prefer running water.

Seeking Veterinary Care
If you notice any signs of dehydration in your pet or if they are not drinking enough water, don’t hesitate to contact us at Brandon Lakes Animal Hospital immediately. Our experienced veterinarians can provide essential care to address severe dehydration cases. They may conduct a hydration test and administer subcutaneous or IV fluids as needed, ensuring your pet’s well-being and swift recovery.

As responsible pet owners, it is our duty to keep our furry companions hydrated and healthy throughout the summer. By being attentive to their water intake and addressing dehydration promptly, we can all look forward to a joyful and worry-free summer season together. At Brandon Lakes Animal Hospital, we are here to support you and your pet every step of the way.